Berta CáceresCausa Berta CáceresEnglish

Public Statement: The victims present irrefutable evidence against David Castillo

AQUI en Español

The Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras – COPINH, together with the daughters and son of Berta Cáceres and the legal team, in light of the forthcoming evidentiary hearing against Mr. David Castillo, co-author of the murder of Berta Cáceres, communicate the following information to the national and international community:

  1. The evidence demonstrating Mr. David Castillo’s responsibility as a co-author of the murder of our sister Berta Cáceres is clear, strong and irrefutable. The legal team will provide the scientific, testimonial and documentary evidence that supports this accusation to the sentencing court.
  2. Mr. David Castillo, general manager of the Agua Zarca project and employee of the Atala Zablah family, committed criminal acts against Berta Cáceres because of her actions in defense of the life and the rivers of the Lenca people.
  3. We urge the Judiciary of Honduras to quickly and expeditiously advance in the trial of Mr. Castillo which has been unjustifiably delayed for more than 2 years and 8 months, and to guarantee that the hearings be public and transparent. 
  4. We demand that the State of Honduras capture and prosecute the other masterminds of the crime against Berta Cáceres who remain at large in impunity.
  5. We urge the national and international community to provide the necessary accompaniment and observation for the proceedings in order  to guarantee that this crime, mourned by the Honduran people, does not remain unpunished.

We stand in solidarity with the people affected by Hurricanes ETA and IOTA, especially our brothers and sisters in the Sula Valley and the Northern coast of the country.

“They have believed that impunity is eternal, they are wrong, the people know how to achieve justice” -Berta Cáceres

Given in the city of Tegucigalpa, November 23, 2020